Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Listen....He's speaking!

So I was out today and I saw a woman with a t-shirt on that had the scriptural passage on it about how Jesus said that when whatever we do to the least it's as if we had done it unto them...I'm sure you can recall...Well at any rate...as I walked out of the store...that thing really began to speak to me and in clear terms....It was as if the Lord was opening my eyes a little more to the fact that are refusal to feed, visit, and take care of those who are in need...when we have the resource, is as if we are in refusing to serve the Lord. Our love for Him comes into direct question because He has given us the responsibility of expressing our love for Him thru our loving and caring for those we see everyday. Immediately after each lesson the Lord gives, He is faithful to allow us to demonstrate what we have learned....and sure enough at the next store I had the opportunity to share what I learned and touch a life...Now that was an obvious lesson and test...and a quick victory! I am ready to live it out every day ...in many more ways....Thank you Lord for loving me first...now I can love you back as I love my fellow man. I heard the Word!

It's Time for a Book! :)

Okay Soulworshipers...I am officially working on a book project...I am putting much time into it and I believe it will be a blessing to your lives...IT's all about being obedient to the voice of God and stepping into the place He's called me into...I am committed to finishing before the year is over...


The 5 L's that make u better!

Live, Love, Laugh, Learn, Leave a Legacy!


Feelings: Get a Grip on em!

It's better to be honest and get control of your real feelings by getting to the root of if all....There are so many things that you may miss out on if you continue to allow the feelings you have to guide every choice....Faith, Courage and truth need to stand up in your life at some point....Now is as good a time as any.


The Power of the Word!

Just a reminder: The Lord has given us promised all thru His word...If there is one thing that He always honors...it is His Word...When you ask in faith and believe....and stand on the word that He himself has spoken to you and about you....then repeat it to yourself and remind Him of it...(he remembers...it is us that needs to hear it spoken)...in your obedience and faith...he is committed to perform what He has already said..Tears are okay....but they don't get the reaction we think they wil...God honors and responds to your faith and His Word...Read it, Learn it, receive it, Speak it, repeat it, Live it, and Share it...It's Alive!

What's your Love look like?

Love has a few components to it that will make your life complete...And the Word of God spells them out for us. In order to love perfectly, God says to "Love the Lord God first", "Love Yourself", and "Love your neighbor as yourself". in that order.....Without Love for yourself, it will be difficult to really love another person perfectly, and in a healthy way...Loving yourself properly requires us to understand the unfailing, unmerited, unconditional love from God...who calls us friend, sons & daughters. Above all our Love for the Lord give us a assurance that our lives will be blessed....For when we love Him with our whole hearts...our desires become His....and our prayers sound more like his heart... So sure you Love your neighbor...but how do u feel about yourself as well...Are u taking care of what God has given u....How's that temple being treated....Are u speaking truth, and life into your own life too....and What about God? What have u done to show your love for Him....Love was meant to be perfectly demonstrated in your life....Don't stop short of perfect....get it all! Your freedom, health, and Joy are counting on it!


It aint worth what you got!!

Whatever the Cost....Maintain your character and Keep your Integrity! Don't Let this moment frustrate your destiny.

Protect what's inside of you!


A Life is Worth Celebrating!

Wow....it is amazing how each day brings experiences to your life and if you just listen you can learn a lot. Many say that God does not speak to us all the time, but I beg to differ. He does speak daily through many different instruments of communication. He speaks in the winds, through our children, in our circumstances, as we meditate and pray, while we read His word, and even in our dreams as we sleep....Well what I heard today was that i must be careful to remember that life is to be celebrated, appreciated, cultivated, and promoted more than death.. Isn't it ridiculous that many of our families will never come together unless someone dies? To me it is somewhat exemplary of how we live....tragedy seems to get a reaction out of us much more than accomplishments and good news.....Here we go again with the choices we make to be Happy and to allow the joys and peace of the Lord in our lives....We are already guaranteed to experience some let downs, but must we allow these times to cause us to spring in to action...while the joys of things like anniversaries, birthdays, graduations, recitals. childbirths, baptisms, go often unnoticed, unappreciated, and ignored...It costs the same to travel for these celebrations as it does for to remember and mourn a loss...Please know that I am prepared and ready to celebrate a homegoing, and to mourn with those who do, and cry when i feel the pain of the loss....But know that those tears will not be from the guilt of never celebrating the life while it was lived....Sooooooo....Kiss now, hug now, laugh now, give gifts, and have fun.......Do it while u can...do it now....You and They are Worth it!!!


Happiness is a choice...

I know they made you mad...I know they don't ever do things your way....you're having a rough time adjusting to your new living conditions, job, church, situation.....They aren't recognizing your efforts, you have had some losses this year (who hasn't) and you aren't feeling very loved....guess what you're still in charge of your own happiness....It's not their problem..it's really yours....They may never tell you what you wanna hear, or treat you the way you wanted to be treated....but its possible that in your daily aggravation, and frustration, you are missing the fact that they are enjoying peaceful rest, and uninterrupted smiles....yet u are spending your day thinking about how u were wronged...Where is any of that getting you? You're probably more tired, upset, unhealthy, and living in fear, doubt and worry....shake that stuff off already, if you haven't!..You have just as much right to live happy and to enjoy the peace, and joy that God provides...We GET to be happy in this walk....It is not meant to be a walk of pious, over serious, boring, unexcited drudgery...but rather a daily journey with fresh experiences, full of excitement and change. Happiness belongs to you, and it's your choice to receive it! Now change your countenance, wear a smile, and BE HAPPY!!! (Trouble don't last always......that's not just a song!)


In rememberance...

As we take the time to enjoy the fellowship and fun of this day of remembrance...I pray that we also find time to reflect on all that life has brought our way....and really indeed respond with a heart of thanksgiving for the sacrifices made to make our lives great and to have the opportunity to share all that we are on this day....Enjoy it...and please no foolishness today....lol