Sunday, March 29, 2009

Congratulations from a 49-year Marriage...

A wonderful repost originally submitted by Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Slade. (used by permission)

Congratulations from a 49-year Marriage...
Most people go into marriage with high hopes and expectations. They marry in search of happiness and because they feel they are in love. They marry expecting physical comfort, thrills, excitement, fun, joy, stimulating short, people really want a full and rewarding series of experiences, love, pleasure and happiness.
However, divorce is destroying families at an unprecedented rate - and for every divorce, there are hundreds of other homes that are woefully, and miserably unhappy. Homes where simple "spats" escalate into fists fights, knifings, wife beatings, child abuse, shooting, murders, suicide and homicides.
No one wants to live with heartbreak, arguments, fights or unpleasant scenes in public, or nasty rebellious children, physical and mental pain, economic failure, loneliness, frustration, and depression.
No one wants a hollow shell of a marriage or want to live together out of necessity, or for the children, financial security, or pressure from the church or family members. No one wants to live like strangers in a home where there is no joy, happiness or peace...unable to communicate, each going their own separate way, disgruntled and mad most of the time.
God intended that every marriage be successful. Therefore, the problem does not lie with God's plan for marriage. The problem is that couples don't know what God has said concerning marriage...or they know what He has said, but fail to apply what they know to be true.

More to come... Joe & Cookie

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