Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sometimes Service doesn't work....

There comes a time when everything that you do just isn't enough. You've attended every service, sang on all the worship team ministry opps., been to every bible study, and gave to every need.....yet sometimes things still break down. That is because without the spirit of God, we are operating purely on grace. The Holy Spirit gives us the ability to hear God's voice when it's time to sit down, move out, be quiet, push forward, run faster, jump higher, dig deeper, and stay longer. I witnessed a natural illustration of this just this my car which is supposed to have a service called onstar with the ability to alert me of any mechanical problems within the car, failed to do it's job. This is a service that runs regularly and is designed to get the job done....yet it failed this time because I leaned on it too long and allowed regular attentiveness to take a back seat...So here I am with an obvious mechanical failure occuring, yet at no time did the service alert me of the in fact told me everything was operating as it should....absolutely false...and it could have cost me my life, and that of my family's. Such is the case when we allow mere service given to take the place of devotion, consecration, meditation, and personal time with God. It will feel right, it will seem right, and appear to be enough...but if you are not careful u run the risk of spiritual decay.....Answer: Make the main thing, the main thing!


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