Thursday, February 4, 2010

Don't throw away the good stuff.....

Life can be challenging...but that's the beauty of it too. We live and grow and become what we want to be with the pressures, tests and obstacles all coming along with it. They are strategically placed and positioned to bring us strength and assurance of the Holy one God. It is a sly trick of the enemy to cause us to perceive what is good in our life as something that is not adequate enough for us. It might come in the form of our homes, our jobs, our socio-economic status, our church and possibly our spouse. The trick is to cause us to spend more time contemplating what life would be like if any of these were different...and to spend our time constantly with this thought on our minds. It is consuming and draining yet if not careful will cause us to abort something great believing we are in store for something better. God knows how to bless us better than we can ourselves. He is faithful to provide us with all that we need and give us increase in every area of our lives. He is equally concerned that we learn to be grateful, thankful and content with such things as we have and in what state we are presently in. It is an act of faith and trust when we learn to rejoice and be glad today...and right now.


1 comment:

  1. This is so true! I really enjoyed this article, it was very well written, thank you for sharing!
