Thursday, April 2, 2009

It Wasn't Yours....That's Why!

I was taking a walk today during a break enjoying the sunshine when I began to think about some things that were no longer apart of my life. Some people, and some material things have been stripped away for various reasons, and like anyone else I have spent some time trying to negotiate with my own intellect as to why they are separated from me..and I wanted to make every reason make sense and say my season was over or that I allowed the enemy to get the best of me and steal it...But there are some things and some people that were never meant to be apart of your life in the way they were. The door was opened too wide and the invitation was given to the wrong individuals...and if truth would be told, there was much grieve during your bonding....Now that that associate has departed you, and those items are no longer in your possession you have a peace that has been missing for some time...and you are moving in the direction of purpose and destiny...You cannot lose something that never belonged to you in the first turn your eyes upon what is coming your's greater than the former thing!


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