Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How long have you been standing there...?

I confess that everyday brings countless moments of dialogue and chatter in my mind relating to things I should do, I could do, I might do, and I "must" do. So many things and people vying for my time and energy,from every direction. Sometimes not enough time to even make out what the real request is or in what direction I'm really being pulled in, but simply hearing the sound of persuasion causes me to miss the sound of the Father. In this quest for "securing" my future, in this movement to all that I can be. While everything around me is appearing to be shifting in various directions, what I seek to hear clearly, and know surely is the voice of Abba Father...(cause He Knows). I've taken the liberty to share my thoughts dream, wishes, hopes, ideas, hurts, pains, mistakes, disappointments, shames, victories, joys, excitements, and ambitions with those hat I see, but what i really want is to have a moment with my Daddy. What I find is that though the noise is loud, and the pressure appears great, He is greater and his voice is more pronounced and equipped with the authority to both move and calm the winds....As I sit and write at this moment, the winds have calmed down outside my window to a stillness....Just moments before starting this entry, I was awaken to violent surges outside my window. It appeared as if the entire building would be shaken from it's foundation. How articulate of the Lord to provide me with a visual illustration of His strength and power. He sees my concern, and knows my fears, and does not turn a deaf ear nor refuse to acknowledge my heart. He hears and responds, and says Peace.....because all along He's been standing near, watching, listening, and speaking back to me...

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