Tuesday, October 27, 2009

This is the End of this ROAD....Let's Get off now.

okay...I guess I feel compelled to share this principle once more. Noone can and will ever be able to do for you what you can do for you. You alone have been equipped to make the necessary changes in your life. Consider every experience and circumstance strong encouragement and motivation to step out, move out, go forth, and get started on living the life promised to by God! It is a promise not a secluded option for a select few. If you have surrendered your life to the Lord, you have the right to ask of your Father, and trust Him totally for peace, strength, joy, and prosperity. He Himself took the necessary abuse that provided u and I the ability to live a life of health and wealth. Ask! don't whine, don't weep, don't beg, don't plea......ASK!!!! Then as you ask and believe, recommit your life to Him Totally...It's the recipe for Ultimate Living!


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